EBSCOhost is an online reference system that offers a variety of full text databases ranging from general reference collections to specially designed, subject-specific databases.
BoardEx contains valuable information on 1.7 million corporate executives and board members from over 2.2 million organizations. Biographical data includes details such as age, gender, positions held, educational qualifications, compensation and stock holdings, as well as insights into the executive's professional network.
Use BoardEx to:
Access educational background, prior employment, and connections of directors and executives
Analyze the proportion of politically connected directors, using CEO-level controls such as age, gender, and experience
Please create your own login to access Constellate data - click here.
PLEASE NOTE: Constellate Sunset
As of November 2024, ITHAKA made the decision to sunset Constellate on July 1, 2025. ITHAKA have concluded that continuing to support the platform and classes is not sustainable in the long term. As a nonprofit organization, ITHAKA needs to focus our resources on initiatives that can achieve broad-scale impact aligned with our mission.
For more information, please go to Constellate Sunset
Access to select ASHRAE and CSA Standards. Use the platform to search for standards outside of our collection and make request for purchase with your subject librarian.