Dan Jakubek

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Dan Jakubek
Contact: Website
If you're looking for research help related to Geography, Environmental Studies, or Urban & Regional Planning, you've come to the right place!

I am also part of the Geospatial Map and Data Centre (GMDC) team. At the GMDC, we offer specialized support related to GIS and geospatial data resources. 

To start, check out the research guides that I maintain to support these areas.  Feel free to book an appointment with me via the Book a Librarian button on the library homepage or email me directly for assistance related to library resources. To book consultations or workshops related to GIS, visit the GMDC website for more information. 

My Guides

Environmental Studies
Last update: Jun 17, 2024 96 views
Last update: Jun 17, 2024 140 views
Last update: Aug 12, 2020 0 views
Last update: Jun 17, 2024 193 views