Cecile Farnum

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Cecile Farnum
she / her
Hello! Please contact me directly at cfarnum@torontomu.ca - I would love to hear from you!
Hello - you've come to the right place if you are looking for research help!

I can help with literature reviews, finding scholarly articles, books, conducting systematic reviews and advice about scholarly communication.

You can book a Zoom appointment with me via email, and we'll figure out a time that works for us both. Screen sharing in Zoom can be an effective way to learn how to conduct effective searches in specific databases, and we can talk about any issues you may be encountering along the way.

In the meantime, check out the research guides that I maintain on topics related to Nutrition and Food, Occupational and Public Health, and Psychology.

My Guides

Nutrition and Food
Last update: Jun 17, 2024 675 views
Last update: Jun 17, 2024 218 views
Last update: Jul 16, 2024 895 views
Systematic Reviews
Last update: Jun 12, 2024 1416 views