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Graduate Research Support: Graduate Support

A Guide to Finding and Positioning your Sources

Logo for Master your Sources

Searching and Selecting Sources

Topics covered:

Range of resources | Research as a non-linear process | Research strategies | Selection criteria | Setting boundaries | Getting help and support.

(3.24 minutes)

Positioning Sources

Topics covered:

Strategies for starting the writing process | Evaluation for credibility, quality and relevance | Incorporating sources into your work.

(3.24 minutes)

Positioning Sources Resources

Integrating Sources

Topics covered:

Why you need to cite | Good research is dependent on the works of others | Direct quotes | Paraphrasing | Summarizing.

(3.13 minutes)

Integrating Sources Resources

Getting Research Help

Chat with a Librarian

Book an Appointment

Get lengthier and more specialized research help with our book an appointment service.

Visit our Research Help Desk

Visit the Research Help Desk on the main floor of the Library for help.

Attend a Workshop

Workshops are scheduled throughout the term.

Online Guides and Videos

How-to guides and videos on writing, research and citation 


This guide was made possible through a generous grant from the Learning and Teaching Office, Toronto Metropolitan University.

Academic content: Natalya Androsova (SLS), Kelly Dermody (Library), John Hannah (SLS), Kelly Kimberley (Library) and Don Kinder (Library).
Video production by: Jordan Kawai, PhD.
Actor: James Steenberg, PhD.

Creative Commons License

This guide has been created by the Toronto Metropolitan University Library and Archives and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike 3.0 Unported license unless otherwise marked.
