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HST118 The City in History

This LibGuide has been developed for use with a new undergraduate History course, HST118.

Statistics and Data

TMU Owned Resource

Omni, Advanced Search, Subject contains: historical statistics

Omni, Browse Search, Library of Congress Subject search using the name of a country or region and the word statistics

     Example  great britain statistics

Consult the TMU Library Geospatial Map and Data website.

External Resources (linking will take you out of the TMU Research Guides site)

Statistical Abstract of the United States (1878-2012)(United States Census Bureau)
Covers social, political, and economic organization of the United States.  Public access.

United States Census Bureau
Data about the American people and the economy.  Public access.

NHGIS National Historical Geographic Information System
Free, aggregate U.S. census data and GIS-compatible boundary files for 1790-2012

U.S. Census and Demographic Information (This research guide by Catherine Morse at the University of Michigan Library includes a section on historical census data in addition to more general tips on using the U.S. Census)