International Criminal Law by Ilias BantekasCall Number: K5165 .B35 2010
ISBN: 9781849460453
Publication Date: 2010-09-22
This book covers the theory of ICL; the subjective and objective elements of international crimes and the particular position of the International Criminal Court Statute; the various modes of liability and participation in international crimes; the doctrine of command responsibility; defences and grounds for excluding liability; immunities; an extensive analysis of all war crimes; international criminal law of the sea, transnational crimes; particular international offences against the person, the legal contours of the crime of terrorism; an analysis of the historical development of ICL and of the legal processes relating to the Nuremberg Tribunal; an analysis of the UN tribunals for Yugoslavia and Rwanda; an examination of the International Criminal Court; an analysis of hybrid internationalised tribunals, as well as an examination of truth commissions and amnesties; the various strands of criminal jurisdiction, and; the different modes of inter-State cooperation in criminal matters. This is a print book.