Grounded theory builds systematic theoretical statements inductively from the coding and analysis of observational data, and the subsequent development and refinement of conceptual categories which are tested and re-tested in further data collection.
Phenomenology refers to the descriptive study of how things appear to consciousness, often with the purpose of identifying the essential structures that characterise experience of the world.
An approach to discourse analysis, politically committed to social change in favour of oppressed social groups, that aims to explicate the role of discursive practice in producing and maintaining unequal power relations.
An approach to studying the past in which recorded interviews are used to capture the memories of those who have experienced particular events or conditions.
Research focused on the elicitation and interpretation of people's narrative accounts of their experience.
Research in which Indigenous people are actively engaged with the researcher in the creation of knowledge. Indigenous research approaches pay attention to the cultural paradigms of the researcher; to the importance of place, community, and stories; and to the generation of knowledge through relationships.
Ethnography involves the production of highly detailed accounts of how people in a social setting lead their lives, based on systematic and long-term observation of, and discussion with, those within the setting.
A form of inquiry in which researchers use their own experiences to develop understandings and insights into a culture, subculture, or life experience. As a method it combines features of life history and ethnographic methods.
A growing movement in qualitative research, particularly in applied fields such as education and health, which seeks to draw on and integrate into research practice work traditionally associated with the arts, including but not restricted to poetry, drama, dance, music, and visual expression.