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POH 100: Professional Practice

Search Specific Databases

  • Login with your torontomu account

  • To identify databases relevant to Occupational and Public Health, look at the recommendations on the research guide for the program.  Depending on your topic, other subject research guides may also be useful.  For the topic of air pollution in schools, also consider that some databases related to Environmental Studies may also be relevant.. 

  • Use the Advanced Search options to create more detailed searches and expand relevant results

  • Play with synonyms (like terms) to expand your results, using Boolean logic (AND, OR, NOT) in databases

  • Use truncation, *, to search for root variant of words where applicable, e.g. vaccin* will retrieve vaccine, vaccines, vaccination

  • Separate your concepts into individual rows to include synonymous terms, e.g. mandate OR law

  • Modify your search where necessary, making use of field-specific searching, e.g. searching for your terms more narrowly in specific parts of the article, e.g. abstract

  • Take advantage of additional features in databases, which can help identify highly-cited research, specific types of research design, and other subsets of the literature

  • If the full-text of the article is not in the database, use the Check TMU Library links to find full-text, where available

  • Example of a Google Scholar search and a Medline search - videos embedded below: