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Indigenous Literatures and Authors

An introduction to indigenous literary writers and writing from around the world with particular emphasis on the Canadian and North American context.

What is a Peer Reviewed Article?

A peer reviewed article is an article that has been written by an expert and has been reviewed by other experts before being published. This review process ensures the quality of information in the article.  

How to Find Peer Reviewed Articles

The Library subscribes to a large number of journals, newspapers and other resources.  Not all articles are peer-reviewed, so you need to find a way to limit your results to peer reviewed articles.

  • Some databases (Eg. Proquest) will let you click a peer review only checkbox before you start searching
  • Other databases and Omni will let you limit to peer reviewed articles once you have completed the search 


Omni Search with Peer-Reviewed Filter Selected



How can I tell if my article is peer reviewed?

I've found a great article, but I don't know if it is peer reviewed?  By using a resource called Ulrich's International Periodical Directory, you can check to see if the journal that the article is from is peer-reviewed.

  1. Go to Ulrich's
  2. Enter the title of the journal (not the title of the article) in the search box
  3. If an icon  appears by the journal title in the peer reviewed column, then the title is peer reviewed.

What are Scholarly Sources? (Video)