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About TMU Access to Westlaw and Lexis

At Toronto Metropolitan University there are two ways to access the two major legal databases Westlaw and Lexis.

  • Library access is available to all staff, students, and faculty through the TMU Libraries
  • Password access is available to law students, law faculty, and law practice program candidates

The majority of content is available through both forms of access. Library access allows patrons to use their my.toronto login to access resources, the same login used for all Library electronic resources. Password access allows patrons to use the practice materials databases and to save their work to folders.

Library Access to Westlaw and Lexis

Password Access to Westlaw and Lexis

Westlaw Edge Password Access

The Law Library distributes access codes to all first year law students and all law faculty. Law Practice Program access codes are shared at the start of the program. This access code allows for online registration to Westlaw. If you have trouble accessing Westlaw or experiencing any technical difficulties you can contact Westlaw at: 1-800-387-5164 or

Lexis+ Password Access

Law students and faculty can register for access to Lexis online. Forgotten IDs or passwords can be reset directly from the Lexis sign on screen on by contacting 1-800-387-0899 or