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Architecture - MArch Program: Graduate Guide to Library Research: Drawings, Images and Videos

Images & Streaming Video

Canadian Architect Magazine Image Collection

The archive contains thousands of negatives, transparencies and photographs taken for publication in Canadian Architect magazine such as public/pririvate structures, including churches, homes, businesses, airports, government offices and public spaces. 

TMU Library Maps

The TMU Libraryrch project is a collaboration between the Toronto Metropolitan University Library & Archives, Department of Architectural Science, and the School of Interior Design. It showcases the architectural, and historical relevance through information and photos of various buildings.

TMU Campus Information Request Form  

For Campus information such as floorplans, please email Campus Facilities

Image Collections on the Web


  • Canadian Architectural Archives

    The Image Bank provides an image repository containing 10,000 photographs of the Canadian built environment. It also contains educational resources related to Canadian architecture and architectural photography.

  • Cities/Buildings Database (University of Washington)
    A collection of digitized images of buildings and cities drawn from across time and throughout the world.
  • Digital Imaging Project (Bluffton University)
    Images of sculpture and architecture from Pre-Historic to Post-Modern. 
  • Esto
    Excellent selection of stock "images of architecture and the built environment" by Ezra Stoller and other photographers.
  • galinsky: People Enjoying Buildings Worldwide 
    Free access to exciting modern buildings and the means to explore them: photographs, descriptions and practical visitor information.