The following accessibility guides provide additional information for ensuring accessibility outside of LibGuides:
Sa11y: Sa11y is an accessibility checker that is available as a bookmarklet and can be used in any desktop browser. Simply drag the "Sa11y" button below into your bookmarks bar. Then click the bookmark on any LibGuide to reveal any accessibility errors.
Sensus Access: SensusAccess can be used for accessibility conversions or to convert documents into alternate formats such as audio, Braille, or e-text.
WebAIM Contrast Checker: The Contrast Checker Bookmarklet will display a miniature version of WebAIM's Contrast Checker in any web page. Check the contrast of any page content by selecting the foreground and background colors.
D2L Accessibility Checker: The D2L text editor, found in many tools across Brightspace, features an Accessibility Checker which highlights any accessibility issues with your content