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Films & Videos: Show Films in Class

Feature Film Licenses

As of Nov. 7th 2012, public performance rights for the educational use of cinematographic works in physical format (DVD or VHS for example), or in digital format and legally posted on the open public Internet (and not protected by passwords, user agreements, or digital locks) are no longer required. Exhibition in public of any library obtained audio-visual titles for a purpose other than education usually require additional public performance rights.

Library audiovisual streaming collections come with licenses that cover educational use for our campus community. Other uses of our online audiovisual materials may require additional licenses.

Online audiovisual material that is behind digital locks (accessed by passwords) and accessed via personal user accounts like paid-for digital streaming services such as Netflix, Prime, Crave etc. are for personal use only and unless otherwise noted cannot be used for shared classroom use without an additional streaming licence being obtained.

Booking Films For Classroom Use

Book films and videos owned by TMU Library for classroom showings:

  1. Email:
  2. Visit the Circulation Desk on the 2nd floor of the library


Booking external film and video items:

Material that is not available in the TMU audio visual collection may be obtained from external collections, including those of other Ontario universities. TMU students, faculty and staff who hold active library cards may book items from other collections. Two weeks’ notice is required to book external items.

To book AV material not owned by TMU:

  1. Email:
  2. Visit the Circulation Desk on the 2nd floor of the library during AV office hours.

*Please do not forget to specify show dates when submitting Booking requests*

Borrowing From Other Ontario Universities

The University of Waterloo Audio-Visual Services database incorporates information about the video and motion picture holdings of most of the universities in the province of Ontario, including TMU.

To search this resource:

  1. Connect to University of Waterloo Audiovisual Services (WATMEDIA).
  2. Enter keywords or a specific title and search all institutions or use the drop down box “Office” to select a specific institution.

Audio Visual Equipment in Classrooms

Booking Viewing Equipment for In-Class Use:

EFFECTIVE SUMMER 2019: CCS has upgraded all podium computers in classrooms and lecture halls with units that no include optical drives. You may either bring your own portable USB DVD player or book one from Media Services (CCS) in Kerr Hall (KHE227).

Note: TMU Library Audio-Visual is not responsible for booking AV equipment or for repairing faulty classroom projectors, televisions, VHS or DVD players.

If you require audio visual equipment for class use or are experiencing technical difficulties, please contact Media Services for assistance.