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GCM 710 -- The Art of the Book

This LibGuide was originally developed as a course guide with a focus on researching fine book publishing and book design. For winter 2019, there is a new page on researching books from the McGraw-Hill Ryerson Press Collection at the Toronto Metropolitan

Toronto Metropolitan University Theses and Dissertations

The TMU Library collects and makes accessible graduate dissertations (Ph.D) and masters level theses as well as some masters level major research papers.

The Library's research repository, contains the most complete collection of these documents, online, and searchable from the website and via search engines like Google. Older documents may also be found by searching Omni. The library no longer collects print copies of theses and dissertations.

To search for documents from a specific programme, try using a keyword search that includes the words "ryerson" "TMU"  "dissertations" and a couple of words from the name of the programme such as "communication" "culture" or "mechanical" "engineering."

Theses and Dissertations from Other Universities

TMU Undergraduate Theses (Major Research Papers)

A number of departments required students to deposit a copy of their final-year thesis in the Library. Theses can be found by searching Omni and are shelved in Closed Stacks -- Please submit the online Closed Stack Request Form and you will receive an email within a couple of days. Alternately, bring your request to the Circulation Desk for assistance.

Undergraduate theses for Civil Engineering were kept by the department and are not available.

A complete list of codes used and the department/school (some of which no longer exist) follows:

  • LE3.R99 AC     Dept. of Applied Chemical & Biological Sciences
  • LE3.R99 AE     School of Aerospace Engineering
  • LE3.R99 AR     Dept. of Architectural Science
  • LE3.R99 CB     Dept. of Chemistry, Biological & Chemical Engineering
  • LE3.R99 CE     School of Chemical Engineering
  • LE3.R99 EC     School of Early Childhood Education
  • LE3.R99 EE     Electrical Engineering Dept./Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering
  • LE3.R99 EH     School of Environmental Health
  • LE3.R99 GE     School of Applied Geography
  • LE3.R99 HT     School of Hospitality & Tourism Management
  • LE3.R99 ID      School of Interior Design
  • LE3.R99 IE      School of Industrial Engineering
  • LE3.R99 LS     Dept. of Laboratory Science
  • LE3.R99 ME    School of Mechanical Engineering
  • LE3.R99 OP    School of Occupational and Public Health
  • LE3.R99 PR    Continuing Education Division. Public Relations Project
  • LE3.R99 SE    Dept. of Survey Engineering
  • LE3.R99 UP    School of Urban and Regional Planning