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FNU 101 - Food Practices and Policy

Description of the Assignment

(30%) Essay: From Issue to Policy
Students will write an essay that explores a current food issue (e.g. free trade, food banks) OR movement (e.g. locavore, organic, slow food) and the competing values and interests on either side of a current debate to understand the landscape of food policy and food politics. Explain how the issue you have selected can be used to create a policy for a specific target group (e.g. family, university, city).

Essay logistics:
• Size: Between 1200-1500 words
• APA style for citations & references
• Include a minimum of three references, being one of them a peer-reviewed article
• Submitted as a WORD document on D2L – Assignments
• Due date is March 18 (week 8)
• Include title, name, introduction and conclusio