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FNU 101 - Food Practices and Policy

Using Search Everything

SEARCH EVERYTHING searches through the majority of the Library's databases, e-book/book collection, newspapers and more. You can view a video demonstrating the various features of Search Everything embedded in the screen capture below - note there is audio and closed captioning. 

1. Type in your keywords and click the Go button. Your keywords should reflect the main concepts of your research question.  There is an implicit AND between concepts; Search Everything assumes you want results with all concepts included. 

For example:  to find information on the locavore movement, type in locavore movement

Search Everything will also search for related terms, e.g. synonyms.

Some additional tips that may be helpful - "phrase searching" will look for results with the exact phrase included. Truncation, using the *, looks for root variants, e.g. canad* will find canada, canadian, canadien


2. Review the Abstract under More Information, or the Table of Contents, where available. The abstract is a summary of the full article, while the table of contents gives you the list of chapters that are included in a book. 

Check to see that the resource is appropriate for the assignment, and reflects the course content. For example, don't only look for resources that appear to discuss the locavore movement positively - also look for resources that provide a critical perspective. Click on the “Full Text” link to read the item.

3. Make note of the type of information  you are using - you need to include at least one peer reviewed article. 

4. To save your records, mark and email them to yourself - use the option to email them in the citation style of your choice to save time with references!