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DST99 - Library Hub

A guide for students in DST99 working on their major research project.

Suggested sources

A keyword search for "disability" in NFB One, limited to "Documentary". There are various options for access, including free streaming for many. 

Picture This / Jari Osborne

What does it mean to be disabled and desirable?

In Picture This, a new documentary by Jari Osborne, we meet Andrew Gurza, a self-described “queer cripple” who has made it his mission to make sex and disability part of the public discourse.

Social media is a rich source of data. There are a myriad of ways to do research with data mined from social media ; the following are some recommended sources that take up different approaches and aspects of doing research with social media.


Losh, Elizabeth. (2019). Hashtag. Bloomsbury Academic. 

Jackson, S. J., Bailey, M., & Welles, B. F. (2020). HashtagActivism: Networks of race and gender justice. The MIT Press. 

Barrie, C. (Academic). (2022). Getting and analyzing Twitter data for academic research [Video]. SAGE Research Methods.

Sloan, L., & Quan-Haase, A. (2016). The SAGE Handbook of social media research methods. SAGE Publications Ltd,