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Overleaf and LaTeX : Using Overleaf

Get Started

Getting started with Overleaf.

Interactive Online Introduction to LaTeX

Free online LaTeX course by John Lees-Miller, co-founder of Overleaf.

Part 1: The Basics

Part 2: Structured Documents & More

Part 3: Not Just Papers: Presentations & More

The course was developed for the University of Bristol and the slides are open source and permissively licensed (MIT), so you are free to remix them for use in your own courses.

Collaborate with Overleaf

Collaboration tools

  • One version of your project accessible to collaborators via a shared link or email invitation
  • Easily select the level of access for collaborators (view, edit, or owner access)
  • Real-time commenting speeds up the review process
  • Tracked changes and full history view help to see contributions from collaborators
  • Labels help to organize and compare different versions
  • Chat in real time with collaborators right within the project

Using Overleaf

Overleaf Template Gallery

Find Templates on Overleaf

Visit our template gallery

Free Overleaf Webinar Series!

Overleaf is now offering free webinars! Topics and levels vary and more information can be found by visiting the

Overleaf Webinars page!

You will also find a number of recorded webinars for play on demand.

Overleaf Supports Multilingual Typesetting

Refer to this multilingual example document with Arabic, Sanskrit, Hindi, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Greek and Thai.