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CYC825 Independent Study

Your ultimate guide to the resources you need for your Independent Study.

Find Grey Literature

Finding Grey Literature:

Organizations such as businesses and charities along with Governments, regularly publish reports, white papers, statistics and other documents. Their intended audience could be the general public or stakeholders. These reports can be a key source for emerging research and alternative perspectives.

*However, these sources are not reviewed by peers and some are intended to promote the agenda /ideas of the organization.

  • Reports & publications from governmental and nongovernmental organizations

  • Technical reports and standards

  • White papers

  • Annual reports

  • Blogs and social media

  • Conference proceedings and abstracts

  • Newsletters

  • Thesis and dissertations


Why Use them:

  • Well researched,

  • Current coverage of emerging issues

  • Local and Canadian content

  • Data and statistics

  • Personal and lived experiences

  • Different viewpoints from standard academic articles


Find Grey Literature:

The best place to start is with Google.


The following custom search boxes can help you find sources from Non-Government Organizations (NGO), International Government Organizations (IGO) and Governments.