Grey literature is information produced outside of traditional publishing and distribution channels.
Reports, (research or annual reports)
working papers,
government documents,
white papers,
urban plans, and so on.
Google is the easiest way to find Grey Literature like company reports.
More Information:
Organizations such as businesses and charities along with Governments, regularly publish reports, white papers, statistics and other documents. Their intended audience could be the general public or stakeholders. These reports can be a key source for emerging research and alternative perspectives.
*However, these sources are not reviewed by peers and some are intended to promote the agenda /ideas of the organization.
Reports & publications from governmental and nongovernmental organizations
Technical reports and standards
White papers
Annual reports
Blogs and social media
Conference proceedings and abstracts
Thesis and dissertations
Well researched,
Current coverage of emerging issues
Local and Canadian content
Data and statistics
Personal and lived experiences
Different viewpoints from standard academic articles
The best place to start is with Google.
The following custom search boxes can help you find sources from Non-Government Organizations (NGO), International Government Organizations (IGO) and Governments.
NGO Search searches across hundreds non-governmental organization (NGO) websites.
IGO Search searches across International Government Organization websites.
Find Canadian Government Publications on the Web (from Carleton University )
Open Grey searches grey literature published in Europe
Catalog of U.S Government Publications is a finding tool for U.S government publications
Canadian Child Welfare Research Portal
Ontario Association of Child and Youth Care
Office of the Provincial Advocate for Children and Youth
Ontario Association of Children's Aid Societies Publications
Convention on the Rights of the Child
Landon Pearson Centre for the Study of Childhood and Children's Rights Resource Collection
First Nations Child & Family Caring Society Indigenous Knowledge Portal
Black Legal Action Centre resources
Child and Youth Care Certification Board
Centre for Children and Young People at Southern Cross University
Knowledge Institute on Child and Youth Mental Health and Addictions