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Yellowhead Institute

From Askiy to the Sea: A Solidarity Reading List on Settler Colonial Contexts

Citation: Yellowhead Institute. “From Askiy to the Sea: A Solidarity Reading List on Settler Colonial Contexts.” Yellowhead Institute, 30 May 2024,

As the calls for Palestinian solidarity and support grow, Indigenous people continue to learn and reflect on the shape of that solidarity. Now, more than ever, understanding the global context and nature of settler colonialism is critical to moving past and beyond it. 

This Yellowhead School Reading List, “From Askiy to the Sea”, is one modest reflection of that shared struggle and desire for solidarity, meant to make links between Palestine and other settler colonial contexts in order to understand and explain this relationship better.

Yellowhead Institute is an Indigenous-led research and education centre based in the Faculty of Arts at Toronto Metropolitan University. The Institute privileges Indigenous philosophy and amplifies Indigenous voices that provide alternatives to settler colonialism in Canada today. Rooted in community networks, Yellowhead offers critical and accessible resources to support the reclamation of Indigenous land and life.

Some Tips

Further research and reading is encouraged for a holistic overview and understanding.  Try the following search tips on the TMU Libraries’ website to locate further resources:

Use the Library's Omni search tool on the Library homepage.  Submit keywords like Palestine, Israel, Gaza, “West Bank” to find further resources.  Your keywords should be concise and should describe the main concepts of your topic.  See this helpful guide on finding sources with keywords

Visit the Middle East and North Africa Studies research guide to learn more about the MENA region.