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Canadian Library Association Award Books

Key Journals published at one time by the Canadian Library Association

Selected Canadian Library Association Periodicals that May Contain Reviews and Information About the CLA Award Books

Canadian Materials. (1973-1979)
CM: Canadian Materials for Schools and Libraries (1980-1986)
CM: A Reviewing Journal of Canadian Materials for Young People (1986-1994)
The final print issue was v. 22 no. 6 (Nov./Dec. 1994)

CLA sold the journal to the Manitoba Library Association that began to publish it as an open access (free) online only journal:
CM (Winnipeg, Man. : Online)(Vol. 1, no. 1 (June 16, 1995)-Vol. 31, no. 15 (December 13, 2024) The historic reviews were digitized and added to the CM online archive but access to the older content ceased when the magazine migrated to a new platform beginning with Vol. 35, no. 32 (April 26, 2019). The magazine announced that it would be suspending publication as of December, 2024. The online journal is also known as: CM: Canadian Review of Materials.


Mocassin Telegraph. Ottawa: Canadian School Library Association, 1961-1979.
continued by:
School Libraries in Canada. v. 1, no. 1 (autumn 1980)-v. 23, issue 2 (2004). Subsequently issued exclusively as an online journal, With the demise of CLA in 2016, the Canadian Association for School Libraries was forced to seek a new sponsoring organization. Canadian School Libraries, a non-profit organization dedicated to professional research and development in the field of the school library learning commons in Canada, anticipates the transfer of the stewardship of the journal School Libraries in Canada to the new organization.
available via ProQuest's CBCA Database 1999-July 2005
School Libraries in Canada Archives is available online. The Archives begins with
v. 18 no 2 (1998)-v. 34, issue 1 (2016).
A new successor journal began with vol. 1 no. 1 (Spring 2017) as Canadian School Libraries Journal. ISSN 2560-7227


Newsletter (Canadian Library Association. Young People's Section)


Bulletin (Canadian Library Council, later, Canadian Library Association) 1946-1960.


Feliciter. 1956-2015
This was initially a newsletter of the Canadian Library Association and for many years was printed on newsprint. Following the cessation of Canadian Library Journal in 1992, Feliciter was revamped into a magazine format and included enhanced content.
Indexed by ProQuest's CBCA Database 1986-2015; full text 2005-2015.
Available at the Toronto Public Library.


Canadian Library. v. 1 (1944)-v. 25 (1968)
Canadian Library Journal. v. 26 (1969)-v. 49 (1992)
indexed by ProQuest's CBCA Database Apr 1986 (Vol. 43, no. 2) - Oct 1992 (Vol. 49, no. 5)

Key Indexing Resources

Key Indexing Resources for Canadian Children's and Young Adult Literature

TMU Library Search Everything This search engine searches for books and audio-visual materials that are also listed in the library's catalogue, as well as journal articles (chiefly those that are available electronically), theses and dissertations, newspaper coverage from some recent and a selection of archival newspapers, and digitized content such as out-of-copyright books and journals that are available from sources such as The Internet Archive and The Hathi Trust. To expand the search to include citations for non-electronic journal articles and reviews, use the Advanced Search option and select the Expand your search option at the bottom of the form.

Archival Newspapers

Archival Newspapers That May Include Reviews and/or Announcements of the Awards

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Guardian (England)
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Chicago Tribune
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