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Interior Design

Interior Design Guide to Library Resources

Interior Design Resources

Search the firm's name or building in the Avery or the Art & Architecture Archive if you are looking for drawings, details, photographs, plans, sections.

Materials Databases

Material Order SEARCH

Material Order is a shared online materials catalog that allows users to search the material collections of the Harvard University Graduate School of Design (GSD), Parsons School of Design, Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) and the University of Michigan.


Included are snippets of the best content from WGSN, hand-selected from across the platform including some interiors content.

Books, eBooks, Videos

Open Access Journals in Field of Architecture

MIT Press Open Architecture and Urban Studies

MIT Press Open Architecture and Urban Studies is a robust digital collection of classic and previously out-of-print architecture and urban studies books on our dedicated eBook platform, MIT Press Direct. The collection was funded by a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation as part of the Humanities Open Book Program, which they co-sponsored with the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Public Books Database 

With university classrooms and libraries shuttered because of the COVID-19 crisis, scholars are facing disruptions not only in their teaching lives but also in their ability to access research materials. In response, many academic presses have made hundreds of their titles freely accessible online. The Public Books Database aims to catalog such resources in a single location and to highlight titles of particular interest.


The USModernist® Library is the world's largest open digital collection of major US 20th-century architecture magazines with approximately 2.8 million downloadable pages - all free to access. To find a specific Modernist house, put the architect name in quotes, plus the owner's last name:  "richard neutra" chuey.  To find a specific address, omit the street type (Rd, Dr, Way) and put in quotes, plus the city: "1502 Sharon" Charlotte. The Site Search includes all magazines plus all content on

Interior Design Collection

Most interior design books are located in the NA31-NA9428 call number range on the 7th floor, while reserve books are located on the 2nd floor.  


BASICs eBooks covers subjects of architectural design, presentation, construction, building technology, professional practice, landscape architecture and urbanism. 

Knovel includes Structural Engineering titles

EngNetBase includes Civil Engineering/HVAC titles

Scholarly/Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

Thesis & Dissertations

TMU Theses (Research Papers)

More Theses (Research Papers)

Proquest Dissertations and Theses

Proquest Dissertations and Theses provides access to the full-text of over 400,000 Masters and PhD theses from 1997 onwards. In addition, citations are provided for over 1.6 million doctoral dissertations and master's theses from 1,000 North American and European graduate schools from 1861.

Theses Canada Portal

Provides electronic access to the full text of Canadian theses digitized between 1998 and 2002 and provides a record of all other theses in the National Library of Canada's collection (1965-).

Open Access Theses and Journals     

Advanced research and scholarship. Theses and dissertations, free to find, free to use.


Coverage: 1902 - present
An open access database containing hundreds of thousands of dissertations and theses from select North
American colleges and universities. Contains citations and full text where available.

Web Archives

Statistics, Industry Reports, Data and GIS

Statistics by Region (Canada, Toronto, International etc.)

Statistics by Topic (Demography, Education, Homelessness etc.)

Research Data (<odesi>, Census, ICPSR etc.)

Business & Economics Data (Economics, Finance, Marketing)

Citing Data (How do I cite data, gis and maps?)


GIS Research & Instructional Support Services (Book an appointment, Workshops, GPS Loan etc.)

Please see our Guide on Statistics and Data Resources for more information. 

Creative Commons License

This guide has been created by the Toronto Metropolitan University Library and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution International 4.0 License unless otherwise marked.

Creative Commons Attribution License