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LGBTQ+ Studies Research Guide

How to find LGBTQ+ Books

To identify books on your topic, search the Library Catalogue using the keyword option. The books in the library are located on floors 6 through 10. Reference and Reserve books are located on the 2nd floor. With a few exceptions, books are shelved according to an alphanumeric sequence of call numbers.

Most LGBTQ+ Studies books are located in the HQ 74 – HQ 77 call number range on the 7th floor.

If you do not have a specific author or title of a book, and you do not know the Library of Congress Subject Heading, search the Library Catalogue by Keyword(s) option.

Useful topics that relate to LGBTQ+ Studies:

(Note: the LIbrary of Congress subject heading Transsexuals is used instead of Transgendered.)

In general, you can find titles related to LGBTQ+ Studies in the following call number ranges:

Masculinity BF 692.5
Bisexuality HQ 74
Homosexuality HQ 75 – 76
Gay men HQ 75.7
Lesbians HQ 75.3 – 75.53
Transsexualism/Transgenderism HQ 77.7
Sex roles and gender HQ 1075
Men’s studies HQ 1088 – 1090
Feminism HQ 1101 – 2030
Women’s studies HQ 1100 – 2030

Library Audio Visual Collection

The Library has a fair number of videos, films, and audio recordings related to LGBTQ+ Studies. AV materials are located on the 5th floor, and are listed in the Library Catalogue

Use keyword to find your topic.

example: gender and video recording

Reference Resources

Search for Books and eBooks

This search will find print books and online ebooks.

How to Search with Keywords

Your keywords are the main concepts or ideas of your paper. 

Shows how Boolean works (Synonyms with OR between them) AND (Synonyms)

For example the keywords for a paper on “youth employment in Canada” would be:

  • Youth
  • Employment
  • Canada


Use synonyms: Often there are multiple ways to express the same concept. For example these synonyms mean essentially the same thing – make sure to use them:

employment can also be:

  • job
  • work
  • career

Use “AND” and “OR”: By bridging your truncated keywords and synonyms with the capitalized search words “AND” and “OR” (known as Boolean operators), you can search for multiple concepts effectively.


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