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MMIWGM2S and Red Dress Day

Who are MMIWGM2S?

MMIWGM2S stands for missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls, men and two-spirit people. The families of missing and murdered Indigenous women have been raising awareness for decades. In 2004, the Native Women’s Association of Canada launched the Sisters In Spirit campaign to address violence against Indigenous women and girls, creating a database of these disappearances for greater coordination and communication across communities.

Through this program, the MMIWGM2S communities and allies collectively called for a National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. The National Inquiry began in 2016 and ended in 2019. This inquiry found that the rate of sexual and gender based violence experienced by MMIWGM2S amounted to genocide. Despite the National Inquiry’s best efforts to gather all of the truths relating to the missing and murdered, no one knows an exact number of MMIWGM2S, but the numbers are in the thousands. 

Learn more about MMIWGM2S: 

3 Things you MUST Know about the MMIWG Final Report

Books in the Library on MMIWGM2S