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Citing Court Documents

Please see the McGill Guide for more general information on citation rules.

Section E - 3.16 of the McGill Guide covers citation to Arguments and Evidentiary Documents.

Citation format:  

Full citation | (document type, party/author | pinpoint).

This requires some knowledge of the document being cited.  You are asked to include the full case citation, and the document type (such as factum, oral argument, testimony, desposition, affidavit, subpoena, memoranda, transcript, etc.) followed by the word used to refer to the author of the content of the document or relevant party (e.g. Appellant, Respondent), followed by the pinpoint. A short form can be established following the first reference to the document (e.g., Factum of the Appellant at para 16 [FOA]). 

Here are some examples (for more, please see the McGill Guide):

Reference re Secession of Quebec, 1998 CanLII 793 (SCC) (Factum, Appellant at para 16).

Tremblay v Daigle, [1989] 2 SCR 530, 1989 CanLII 33 (SCC) (Affidavit, Daigle).

Legal Citation

For more on Legal Citation, please see the library's Legal Citation Research Guide.