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Research Help Guide: Trade Journals

Types of Sources (Infographic)

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What are Trade Journals

Trade journals focus on one industry and provide in-depth information on trends, new products and other topics of interest to people working in that industry. The articles are, therefore, written by and for working professionals. 

Trade journals usually have a review process like an editorial board but are not considered to be "peer reviewed" journals.  

When to use Trade Journals:
  • to find current information and news on products and trends within a specific trade or industry
  • to learn more about the field from practitioners within that industry

Find Trade Journals at Toronto Metropolitan University Library:

List of Subject Databases 

  • Most subject databases will have trade journals. Choose a database in your subject area and limit your search to Trade Journals.  


  • Tip: Chose your subject area from the pull down menu called "FiltersA-Z database list use the pull down menu to pick your subject area


  • Tip: In the "Advanced Search" area of each database you can limit your search to "Publication Type / Source Type" - choose Trade Journal. 


Example from Proquest database of selecting just Trade Journal

Example from a ProQuest database - you can filter your search to Trade Journals