TMU Library Search Everything
This search engine searches for journal articles (chiefly those that are available electronically and subscribed to by TMU), books, e-books, theses and dissertations, and newspaper articles from some recent and a selection of archival newspapers. It indexes digitized content such as out-of-copyright books and journals that are available from sources such as The Internet Archive and The Hathi Trust.
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For more advanced searching across a more targeted set of resources, you may want to try a discipline specific indexing/abstracting database or collection as listed in the next box.
Using Basic Search Everything Video
Be specific. If you want to information related to a topic in a specific geographical entity such as Algeria, use the word Algeria rather than the more general terms Maghreb, or, Maghrib, or, Africa, North.
Phrases such as "middle east" OR the narrower term "arab countries" are quite useful in keyword searching especially when combined with topical keywords.
Try using truncated searches that use the *[asterisk] wildcard. For example, "arab*" will find words and phrases that begin with or contain "arab" "arabic" "arabian."
If searching for ethnic groups, use terms expressed as nouns as well as adjectives, for example Turks OR Turkish OR Turkic.
Global Newsstream enables users to search the most recent global news content, as well as archives which stretch back into the 1980s featuring content from newspapers, newswires, and news sites in active full-text format. This product provides one of the largest collections of news from the US, Canada, Europe, Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Australia. All titles are cross-searchable on the ProQuest platform allowing researchers easy access to multiple perspectives, resources, and languages on the topic they are researching.
Search for individual newspapers and journals by title from our A-Z list of journal titles