Middle East and North Africa Studies (MENA Studies)
This is a multi-disciplinary guide to support research in the broad field of Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Studies. Topics covered include geography, history, literatures and languages, cultures, immigration and emigration, and diasporic studies
EIU (Economist Intelligence Unit) provides country, industry, management analysis and forecasts on over 200 countries, nine strategic industries, and a full range of management functions through the following services: ViewsWire, Country Reports, and Country Profiles.
ViewsWire provides daily updated analysis and views on business, economic trends, political and market developments from around the world. ViewsWire covers over 200 countries with three years of archived information.
Country Reports provides in depth information on issues shaping the country: the political scene, economic policy, domestic economy, sectoral trends, foreign trade and payments. Country Reports covers 200 countries and is updated monthly.
Country Profile provides detailed background on a country’s economic and political status and background. Statistical tables give a five-year run of data on issues such as manufacturing, fiscal policy and unemployment. Country Profile covers 200 countries and is updated annually.
United Nations iLibrary This free version allows reading online but prohibits pdf downloads. Statistical data is found in resources such as World Statistics Pocketbook.