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CYSG110 Research Guide

Open access sources

Open access databases

National Centre for Collaboration in Indigenous Education (NCCIE)

First Nations Caring Society Indigenous Knowledge Portal

DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals

ERIC: Education Resources Information Center*

Canadian Child Welfare Research Portal*

Google Scholar*

*not all content is available OA, but links to OA versions are frequently present; use tools below to locate OA versions where needed

Open access journals of note

Canadian Journal of Children's Rights

Canadian Journal of Sociology

Critical Social Work: An Interdisciplinary Journal Dedicated to Social Justice

International Journal of Child, Youth & Family Studies

Intersectionalities: A Global Journal of Social Work Analysis, Research, Polity, and Practice

First People's Child and Family Review

Journal of Indigenous Voices in Social Work

Open access tools 

UnPaywall - an extension you can add to your browser that will help to identify legit OA versions of articles behind paywalls. 

Open Access Button - a search engine that looks for OA versions of articles behind paywalls. If it cannot locate an OA version, it will request articles from authors, and guide them on making the work available to you and everyone who needs it.