MathSciNet This link opens in a new windowMathSciNet provides Web access to the signed reviews and bibliographic data from Mathematical Reviews and Current Mathematical Publications, an early awareness journal.
Mathematical Reviews is a reviewing journal of international mathematics literature. The MathSciNet database contains signed reviews and bibliographic data from the first issue in January 1940 to the present. Journals, conference proceedings, and books of mathematics research are covered. Items listed in the annual indexes of Mathematical Reviews but not given an individual review are also included.
Current Mathematical Publications is a subject index of bibliographic data for recent and forthcoming publications. An early awareness journal, full bibliographic information for all CMP items are included in MathSciNet. Most items are later reviewed in Mathematical Reviews. All items in Mathematical Reviews appear first in Current Mathematical Publications.
MathSciNet also provides active links from reviews to the full text of more than 119,000 online articles in over 190 journals.