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Sport Media

Sports Journalism

The TMU Library provides access to a large number of sources for local, national, and international print journalism, including newspapers, weekly news magazines, and monthly magazines, all of which are good sources for sports news and information. You can also use some of the same databases to search for broadcast transcripts

Search for Journalism Using Omni

You can also use the Omni search tool on the library home page to filter your results to other types of publications, including newspaper articles, magazine articles, scholarly journals, or books. To limit your search results to only newspaper articles and news items, click the three dots at the top of the page and select "Newspaper Search." 

For more targeted or advanced newspaper searches, consider using one of our specialized newspaper databases.

Three dots in the top menu of the Omni search page will allow you to access the "Newspaper Search" tool

Sports and Media Journalism

Search for Specific Regional and Sports Coverage

Factiva screenshot showing sports and regions selectedYou can use Factiva to target your searching by date range, sporting event, or region. 

For example, from the search page in Factiva, open the "Subject" menu. Under "Select Subject Category," you can either click on the word "Sports" to select all sports related subjects, or you can click on the plus symbol to open the menu and select a specific sport. 

You can use the "Region" menu to select "North America," or click on the plus symbol to select Canada or Ontario. 

In the image to the right, "Lacrosse" has been selected from the "Subject" menu and "Canada" has been selected from the "Region" menu. Clicking search will bring up all articles published about lacrosse in Canada in the last three months. 

Newspaper Databases

Specific Newspaper Databases