Market Validation includes primary market research: surveys, interviews, focus groups and other methods that entrepreneurs use to learn about the types of consumers who are likely to use their product or service, what sorts of features they would like, the price they would be wiling to pay, and more.
This guide provides resources to help entrepreneurs strategically select methods for primary market research and design effective research processes. But before entrepreneurs start doing their own surveys and focus groups, secondary research resources can help lay the groundwork and provide data and analysis on a scale that is unfeasible for small and medium businesses. The Library provides access to millions of dollars worth of databases including market research databases.
To start your secondary market research, see one of the guides linked below. After your secondary market research, primary research can help provide additional information on the customers for your specific product or service.
This guide also includes a section on market identification, market sizing, and market segmentation, including secondary market research databases with market information by country and industry.
This research guide is designed to highlight some of the most relevant resources and services. For more assistance:
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