The Association of Research Libraries (ARL) LibQual survey asks patrons to indicate minimum, perceived, and desired levels of service on a scale from 1 to 10. Questions are grouped into 3 dimensions: Affect of Service (AS questions), Information Control (IC) and Library as a Place (LP). The primary metric taken from LibQual for strategic planning purposes is the adequacy mean. This is a calculation indicating how much the library’s perceived level of service falls above or below patrons’ minimum expectation for service. We use the dimension level for reporting out, and question level for internal purposes. TMU ran LibQual in 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, and 2019 in lite mode, meaning that every participant did not answer every question. Additional analysis is available including: open comments, average scores on minimum expectations and desired expectations, results broken down by faculty.
Description of the TMU Library LibQual Survey and results.
Publications from the official Libqual site.
In an effort to promote transparency about collections expenditure, budget data is available from the library About Us page.