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Library Assessment: Past Assessment Plans

Assessment Plan 2022-2023

The 2022-2023 annual assessment plan, like the previous plans, brings together different Library teams for collaborative work and attempts a balanced focus on Library services, collections, and space.

Previous annual plans have mapped assessment projects to the Library Strategic Plan. As the Library is currently developing the next Strategic Plan, this year’s projects are mapped to the University Academic Plan.

Report Document Icon Presentation presentation icon

Assessment Project

Type, Purpose, and Rationale

Academic Plan Mapping




Annual Library Planning Data Review

The purpose of this project is to gather assessment data that will contribute to the success of annual planning processes. This will include a review of available data and revisions to future data collection.

Innovation: Challenging the Status Quo

ACL of SRC, Assessment Librarian, Team Leads

Consultation October 2022; Initial data collection Dec 2022; Further planning and additional data collection May 2023



Assessment Data Dashboard

The data dashboard project continues with two projects. Additions to the instruction and research help dashboard will strengthen this data and implement feedback received from librarians and staff. The creation of a dashboard focusing on CARL data will allow for institutional comparisons.

Innovation: Challenging the Status Quo

Assessment Librarian,  Head of Teaching and Learning, Teaching Team, Lead Hand Collections Ongoing  
Innovations to Borrowing and Lending Services

This project will continue to implement the outcomes of the scan and deliver survey. Namely it will entail creating content to answer common patron questions and better explain how the service functions, such as an infographic and FAQ.

Student Experience; SRC & Graduate Studies

Resource Sharing Librarian (Leanne Notenboom), Head of Borrowing and Lending Services, Borrowing and Lending Services Technicians December 2022  

Knowledge Management related to Assessment

This project will refine the location of Library assessment data, enabling greater internal access to statistics modules, compiled data, and reports.

Innovation: Challenging the Status Quo

Assessment Librarian, Web Librarian

Fall 2022


Systems Migration Support

This project will determine what assessment data is required for the planned integrated library services (ILS) migration. It will include a review of the proposed system and may include system usage analysis or user experiencing testing. This data analysis will support a future ILS migration.

Innovation: Challenging the Status Quo

Collections Librarian (Trina Grover), Systems Committee (Sally Wilson) Winter 2023  

Environmental Scan of Institutional Assessment Instruments


This project will consist of an environmental scan of large-scale, institution level assessment instruments and a needs assessment.

Innovation: Challenging the Status Quo; Student Experience

Assessment Librarian Winter 2023  
Acquisitions Space Requirements

TMU Libraries continue to grow and we anticipate the creation of branch libraries. This project will assess space needs in relation to current and future acquisitions needs.

SRC & Graduate Studies

Collections Librarian (Trina Grover), Head Law Library, Medical Library Committee Winter 2023  
Marginalized Student Study

This multi-institutional qualitative research study focuses on the COVID-19 research needs of graduate students with marginalized identities. The current focus of this project is on data analysis and publication, including recommendations for best practices for library services.

Student Experience; SRC & Graduate Studies; Advancing Indigenous Initiatives

Assessment Librarian and Liaison Librarian (Cecile Farnum) Fall 2022  
Instruction Statistics Updates

Library statistics on instruction are important for demonstrating liaison impact. The module for inputting these statistics requires an update while retaining longitudinal data.

SRC & Graduate Studies

Head of Teaching and Learning Services, Teaching team, Liaison librarians, Assessment Librarian Completion by Dec 2022  
Law Library Space Use

This project will build on existing statistics about law library space use to determine when and how frequently specific locations in the law library are used. This will allow for future space planning.

Student Experience

Assessment Librarian, Head Law Librarian, Law Library Technician (Kelley Doan)


Fall 2022  

Assessment Plan 2021-2022

For 2021-2022, the annual assessment plan emphasizes evaluation and assessment that is responsive to COVID-19-related Library services and the corresponding needs and challenges of patrons. As an ongoing pandemic, COVID-19 is likely to evolve in ways that will require continued service flexibility, which ongoing evaluation can provide. The annual assessment plan is conceived of as an adaptable, living document; due to pandemic uncertainty, that framing is more important this year than normal. This assessment plan, like the previous ones, also brings together different Library teams for collaborative work. The flexibility of this plan is essential for ensuring collaboration in a time of increased workloads and pandemic-related concerns.

Previous annual plans have mapped assessment projects to the Library Strategic Plan. As the Library is currently developing the next Strategic Plan, this year’s projects are mapped to the University Academic Plan.
There is also an attempt in this plan to balance assessment that considers services, collections, and space.

Report Document Icon Presentation presentation icon

Assessment Project

Type, Purpose, and Rationale

Strategic Plan Mapping




Liaison Model Assessment 

The purpose of this assessment is to determine the strengths and areas for improvement of the current liaison model.

Focus groups were chosen as an appropriate assessment method because they enabled librarian conversation across teams and match assessment used to create the new model. These focus groups were conducted in summer 2021.  

In fall 2021, the focus group data will be analyzed, shared back with liaison librarians, and followed by additional data collection.

Student Experience; 
SRC and Graduate Studies; Innovation: Challenging the Status Quo

Assessment Librarian, Associate Chief Librarian, Liaison Team Leads

Completed fall 2021.



Data Dashboard

Following the approval of Google Data Studio, the Assessment Librarian will create data visualizations of Library assessment data and share these with data stakeholders and users. The purpose of these consultations is to facilitate the streamlined collection of and access to data that can be used on a regular basis to better understand and improve Library services, as well as to capture and communicate the impact of the Library to the priorities of the University. The dashboard should also meet regular reporting requirements.  

Innovation: Challenging the Status Quo

Assessment Librarian, Associate Chief Librarian, Heads, Lead Hands Initial dashboards completed; progress continues  
Scan and Deliver Data Analysis The purpose of this assessment is to better understand why Library patrons, including students, faculty, and staff, have used the Scan and Deliver service. What benefits does it offer them, what barriers does it help them overcome, and what role do scanned materials plan in their scholarly research? This information will allow the Library to better understand the effectiveness of this service and plan for future service offerings. Assessment Librarian, BLS & Collections Librarian Winter 2022 Data Collection and Analysis complete  

Marginalized Student Study

This multi-institutional qualitative research study will include a survey of graduate students and interviews with students from marginalized groups about their challenges during COVID-19. Its purpose is to learn about the Library service needs of researchers outside of the dominant majority, and this knowledge will be used to create best practices. Graduate students face research challenges that have been exacerbated by COVID-19 and are in need of study and support.

Student Experience, SRC & Graduate Studies; Innovation: Challenge the Status Quo

Research team

This is a two-year study. Initial results were shared at the QQML Conference in May 2022.

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Workshop forms implementation

In order to better collect workshop data, workshop sign up forms and feedback forms have been revised and standardized to match other instruction data. 

The purpose of this revision is to make data collection easier, more accurate, more useful, and enable librarians to access sign up and feedback data. 

In order to understand trends in workshop registration and attendance, the fall workshop data will be analyzed. This will enable better planning of workshops and communication.

Student Experience; SRC & Graduate Studies; Community and Urban Partnerships

Assessment Librarian, Teaching and Learning Dept. Head, Collaboratory Operations Specialist This template is in use for current workshops  
Strategic Planning Measures

The purpose of this assessment is to identify measures to quantify and/or describe progress on strategic planning goals as they are developed in the current Library Strategic Plan.

Innovation: Challenging the Status Quo

Associate Chief Librarian, Assessment Librarian Complete  
Gobi Analysis

Due to changes in Library collections practices, the software used for book purchases is presenting challenges related to acquisition and data management. This project would identify issues with the Gobi system. The purpose of this project would be to improve Library collections data and processes, which would in turn improve the ability of the Library to support research. 

SRC & Graduate Studies

Collections team members, Lead Hand Collections There is additional investigation required regarding the 2021 Oxford purchase; in general, the situation has improved due to new work by the acquisitions and cataloguing team members  
Trans National Education - UCE and RUIC Library Support and Demand

The Library is serving two new groups of students and instructors at the Universities of Canada, Cairo and Toronto Metropolitan University International College (TMUIC). The assessment of services that are provided and used by these students and instructors will be adjusted to capture data from them, and this will be assessed on an ongoing basis. 

Student Experience, Innovation; Challenging the Status Quo

Electronic Resources Librarian, 
Head BLS, Head LLS, Liaison Librarians in relevant subject areas, Assessment Librarian
Data collection processes set up. Collection related to UCE deferred due to delayed implementation of campus.   
Evaluation of Usage on Electronic Collections

This project will use EZProxy data to analyze trends and usage by faculty of study. The goal of this project is to support collections acquisitions and renewals, especially for new initiatives and programs where usage patterns could inform acquisition decisions. 
New solutions for how to analyze electronic resource usage patterns by patron type, program or faculty of study will be explored in this project.

SRC & Graduate Studies

Acquisitions Librarian, Lead Hand Collections
Library Space Assessment and Post-Occupancy Evaluation

Space assessment for winter 2022 will be guided by strategic planning and adapted as needed to changing needs and context. 
Newer furniture has been acquired for floors 6 and 7. Part of the project will include exploring student preferences for different types of library furniture. 

Student Experience; SRC and Graduate Studies; Community and Urban Partnerships

Associate Chief Librarian, others TBD. Deferred  
Law Library Space Use

The purpose of this assessment is to understand how the Law Library space, which was established in 2020, is used. This data will be useful for making immediate service improvements and for planning for the planned new Law Library space. 

Student Experience; Community and Urban Partnerships; SRC & Graduate Studies

Associate Chief Librarian, Assessment Librarian, Head Law Librarian







Assessment Plan 2020-2021

For 2020-2021, the annual assessment plan emphasizes evaluation and assessment that is responsive to COVID-19-related Library services and the corresponding needs and challenges of patrons. As an ongoing pandemic, COVID-19 is likely to evolve in ways that will require service flexibility, which ongoing evaluation can provide. The annual assessment plan is conceived of as an adaptable, living document; due to pandemic uncertainty, that framing is more important this year than normal. This assessment plan, like the previous ones, also brings together different Library teams for collaborative work. The flexibility of this plan is essential for ensuring collaboration in a time of increased workloads and pandemic-related concerns.

Previous annual plans have mapped assessment projects to the Library Strategic Plan. As the Library is currently developing the next Strategic Plan, this year’s projects are mapped to the University Academic Plan.
There is also an attempt in this plan to balance assessment that considers services, collections, and space.

Report Document Icon Presentation presentation icon

Assessment Project

Type, Purpose, and Rationale

Strategic Plan Mapping




Strategic Planning

The strategic planning process is underway to create the next five year plan for TMU Library in line with the Toronto Metropolitan University Academic Plan. It incorporates several assessment methods, including broad environmental scans, staff feedback, and a surveys of library stakeholders.

Innovation: Challenging the Status Quo

Associate Chief Librarian, Client Services Manager, Assessment Librarian

This work is ongoing.

As part of this assessment work numerous environmental scan working groups compiled data, staff consultation was held, and a large institutional survey was conducted.

The previous strategic plan:

Marginalized Student Study

This multi-institutional qualitative research study will include a survey of graduate students and interviews with students from marginalized groups about their challenges during COVID-19. Its purpose is to learn about the Library service needs of researchers outside of the dominant majority, and this knowledge will be used to create best practices for Library research support. Graduate students face research challenges that have been exacerbated by COVID-19 and are in need of study and support.

Student Experience, SRC & Graduate Studies, Advancing Indigenous Initiatives

The Assessment Librarian and a Liaison Librarian are members of a research team.


In 2020-2021 this study received funding and planned for data collection in 2021-2022.


Innovations to Borrowing and Lending Services

Contactless Print Pickup, Scan and Deliver, and other developing services will be evaluated with usage metrics. Exit surveys will also be shared with patrons. The purpose of this assessment is to identify the success of new services, the goal of which is to enable access to print resources.

Innovation: Challenging the Status Quo

Head of Borrowing and Lending Services, Collections Librarians, Borrowing and Lending Services Technicians

This work is ongoing, with initial assessment completed August 2020.


Print Pickup:

Scan and Deliver:


COVID-19 Eresources




The acquisition costs of materials acquired due to COVID-19, the increased expenditure on electronic resources resulting from the pandemic, and usage patterns resulting during this time all require analysis. This can be done through a review of internal collections data and Summon and JUSP usage data. Eresource expenditure and usage have both been affected by COVID-19; it is important to assess this quantitatively and with an eye to improvements.

SRC & Graduate Studies

Acquisitions Librarian, Head of Collections, Collections Team, Assessment Librarian This work has been ongoing.


Remote Teaching and Learning

This research includes conducting focus groups with librarians about their experience with online teaching in workshops and appointments. During COVID-19, teaching and research help services, including appointments have moved online. It is important to assess these services to study what constitutes success in emergency remote instruction from a librarian perspective.

Innovation: Challenging the Status Quo, Student Experience

User Experience Librarian, Teaching and Learning Team Focus Groups run in Fall 2020, report produced and shared back with liaison librarians in Spring 2021.  
Space Usage and Renovation Support

A number of renovations are planned for the Library Building. Assessment data will support this work, including updates to floor maps, collections metrics, and space usage.

Student Experience, Community and Urban Partnerships

Space Committee Due to COVID-19 building closures this assessment work took a different focus. The result was that focus groups were held in Spring 2021 to ask students about their use of Library space and study space needs.  
Furniture Survey

An exit survey is planned for patrons who book a study space and make use of the new furniture. This feedback will inform future furniture acquisition and space planning during COVID-19.

Student Experience

Assessment Librarian Implications for furniture are outlined in the report from the space focus group study. However, testing of furniture on site by students has been deferred due to COVID-19.  
Redesigned Website Homepage Assessment

A usability study and review of relevant web metrics will enable librarians to assess the success of the redesigned website homepage. The redesign is intended to be easier to use, and we need to know how it has affected traffic, given that the Library website and access to Summon is vitally important for researchers.

Student Experience

User Experience Librarian, Web Librarian, Communications Specialist This work has been Deferred due to COVID-19.  
Ethnographic Study

The Library is partnering with a class studying ethnographic methods. This collaboration will give students an opportunity to exercise their skills with an applied research question, and it will lead to results that can be applied to improve Library services.

Student Experience

Associate Chief Librarian, Assessment Librarian, UX Librarian, Data Librarian, Collections Lead FOA Librarian

This was a collaboration between the Library and LIR400 Arts students in a course on Ethnographic research. The students reported that this was a useful learning experience for them, and the Library has received a report of their findings on how Library services are used and perceived by students. This collaboration was successful and may set a model for the future.

Fact Sheet Development

The fact sheet includes Library statistics that are included in program reviews and proposals. This fact sheet needs to be refined and its purpose reexamined. A redeveloped fact sheet will aid in communication.  

Innovation: Challenging the Status Quo

Assessment Librarian, New Media Designer This work is ongoing with the Assessment Librarian and Team Leads.  
Assessment Data Dashboard

The creation of a dashboard for viewing cleaned assessment data has been a long standing goal of the Library. This project will advance further this year through the creation of workflows for Library Lead Hands for data collection and management. This project will enable faster access to Library data, which will enhance its use.

Innovation: Challenging the Status Quo

Assessment Librarian, Head of Collections, Head of Borrowing and Lending Services, Lead Hands Stage 1 of this project was completed in Winter 2020, which included compiling and cleaning over twenty data sources, refining collections processes, and creating data visualizations.   

Assessment Plan 2019-2020

Report Document Icon Presentation presentation icon

Assessment Project

Type, Purpose, and Rationale

Strategic Plan Mapping




Fines Qualitative Study

This qualitative study will examine fine appeal data to explore the question of why patrons incur fines. This will help the Library better understand patrons and develop more equitable services. This study was undertaken in the context of changes that are being made in Fall 2019 to Library fine policies. 

Student Engagement: Transform service models to enable the highest quality of service to our user communities

Assessment Librarian, Head of BLS, and Library Technician Completed October 2019 presentation icon

Interlibrary Loan Study

This survey will ask patrons about their use of the interlibrary loan service and the impact it has had on their research. The results will help the Library plan improvements to this service and communicate the value of this service for researchers.

SRC Excellence: Align processes and support structures to ensure the Library can provide excellent stewardship of research materials in a fiscally responsible, transparent fashion.

Student Engagement: Enhance the Library’s ability to support the information needs of diverse learners and facilitate the development of lifelong learning skills. 

Assessment Librarian and Interlibrary Loan Librarian


Conducted February 2020, Analysis Completed Summer 2020


Student Town Halls

These forums will engage with students and seek their feedback about the Library through discussions and surveys. This feedback will allow the Library to better understand student perspectives and improve Library services to meet their needs. 

Student Engagement: Develop a robust assessment framework that will allow the Library to improve spaces,
services, and collections through ongoing user consultation and research; 

Innovation Ecosystem: Become a leader in the development of sustainable, innovative library technology tied to our values

Town Hall Working Group Deferred due to COVID-19


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LibQUAL+ Discussions




The results of the LibQUAL+ survey from Spring 2018 will be shared with staff through a series of meetings. Sharing information in this way benefits Library understanding of our patrons and allows for shared planning of responses to survey results.  

Student Engagement: Transform service models to enable the highest quality of service to our user communities.

Assessment Librarian Completed Fall 2019

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Internal Library presentation

Circulation statistics review for stacks integration

This review of circulation statistics will determine journal circulation following the stacks integration project. This will help the Library to gain a better understanding of the use of our collection. 

SRC Excellence: Align processes and support structures to ensure the Library can provide excellent stewardship of research materials in a fiscally responsible, transparent fashion.

Assessment  Librarian and Head of Collections    
Fact Sheet Update

This document, which gives an overview of library services and is used for program proposal and review documentation, is reviewed and updated annually in November. The updating of the fact sheet contributes to Library participation in program changes and accreditation. 

Innovation Ecosystem: Foster a culture of innovation among librarians and staff by supporting ongoing professional development and experiential learning.

Associate Chief Librarian, Assessment Librarian, Communications Specialist, and New Media Designer Deferred due to COVID-19  
Gate Counter Device Update

An environmental scan for a replacement of the current gate counter software will be conducted. This will improve data collection that will lead to a better understanding of the use of Library space. 

Innovation Ecosystem: Build a flexible, sustainable and progressive technological infrastructure to address the
existing and emerging needs of the Library and its users.

Assessment Librarian Deferred due to COVID-19  
UX Discovery Layer Testing

Ongoing user experience testing of the Library discover layer is being conducted, which will lead to interface improvements and a better understanding of student needs. 

Student Engagement: Transform service models to enable the highest quality of service to our user communities.

User Experience Librarian Deferred due to COVID-19  
Collections Data Day

This event bring together collections librarians to share strategies for using collections data through team learning. The Collections Data Day benefits the Library by strengthening our ability to make data-informed collections decisions. 

SRC Excellence: Align processes and support structures to ensure the Library can provide excellent stewardship of research materials in a fiscally responsible, transparent fashion.

Assessment Librarian, Associate Chief Librarian, and E-Resources and Acquisitions Librarian Deferred due to COVID-19  
Textbook Pilot Assessment

A survey of students and a review of circulation data will be used to determine the strengths and areas for improvement of the textbook pilot program. This program was implemented in response to student need. 

SRC Excellence: Align processes and support structures to ensure the Library can provide excellent stewardship of research materials in a fiscally responsible, transparent fashion.

User Experience Librarian, Assessment Librarian, and Head of BLS Completed Fall 2019  
Library Space Accessibility Study

This qualitative study will engage patrons with specific physical accessibility needs about their use of Library space. This project supports the goal of ensuring that all patrons are able to access and use the Library. 

Student Engagement: Enhance the Library’s ability to support the information needs of diverse learners and facilitate the development of lifelong learning skills.

Expand Community Engagement: Build connections with TMU communities through targeted services, collaborations, and development opportunities.

Accessibility Librarian & Assessment Librarian Deferred due to COVID-19  

Liaison Model Focus Groups


Assessment is necessary to assist with the implementation of a new liaison model. This work will allow the Library to better understand the effectiveness of newly implemented workflows. 

Innovation Ecosystem: Explore new organizational models and informal collaborations that better support collections building, research, and teaching in a dynamic, collaborative environment.

Associate Chief Librarian & Assessment Librarian Deferred due to COVID-19  
Interlibrary Loan Internal Analysis


This internal study will examine interlibrary loan statistics based on information provided by the fall interlibrary loan study. This work will benefit liaison librarian work and program evaluation. 

SRC Excellence: Increase capacity to develop research-oriented collections in identified areas of TMU cross-disciplinary themes, involving special, archival and print and electronic collections.

Assessment Librarian & Interlibrary Loan Supervisor Deferred due to COVID-19  
Archives and Special Collections Classes and Research Experience Assessment

This study will assess instruction data for the Archives and Special Collections and instruction in this area. This will improve understanding within the Library of these services, the impact of them, and researcher needs. 

Student Experience: Improve capacity for effective teaching, both online and in person, and engage faculty in embedding Library services, expertise and resources into the curriculum to enhance student achievement.

Special Collections Librarian Deferred due to COVID-19  
Assessment Update Meeting

This is an open meeting within the Library to share assessment information and find opportunities for collaborations and new initiatives. This connects to the Library goal of creating a culture of assessment. 

Innovation Ecosystem: Foster a culture of innovation among librarians and staff by supporting ongoing professional development and experiential learning.

Assessment Librarian Deferred due to COVID-19  
Ongoing Data Analysis

For the purpose of this plan, it is important to note ongoing work. This includes assessment work related to e-resources, print collections, space usage, research help services, instruction, and more. 

Assessment Librarian Ongoing  

Assessment Plan 2018-2019

Report Document Icon Presentation presentation icon

Assessment Project

Type, Purpose, and Rationale

Strategic Plan Mapping




Reference and research services review

This mixed methods study will explore the strengths and weaknesses of the current reference service model in place since 2015. The Library continually renews and experiments with a variety of service models and spatial arrangements designed to meet user's changing and information needs.

Student Engagement: Transform service models to enable the highest quality of service to our user communities

User Experience Librarian;
Head of Library Learning Services;
Evaluation and Assessment Librarian
Completed Spring 2019. Document Icon

Learning Outcomes

This instruction questionnaire will determine the reason that students seek research help and their learning outcomes. Assessment will begin with DME tutorials and other service points will be assessed later. 

Student Engagement: Enhance the Library’s ability to support the information needs of diverse learners and facilitate the development of lifelong learning skills. 

Evaluation and Assessment Librarian & Digital Media Experience Coordinator


Deferred due to staffing capacity. Help seeking behaviour is an ongoing area of study. 


Data Privacy and Transparency Plan

The need to determine data privacy and transparency policies was determined during research conducted for an assessment system. This report will establish practical policies for working with library assessment data. 

Student Engagement: Develop a robust assessment framework that will allow the Library to improve spaces,
services, and collections through ongoing user consultation and research; 

Innovation Ecosystem: Become a leader in the development of sustainable, innovative library technology tied to our values

Evaluation and Assessment Librarian & Evaluation and Assessment Committee Reviewed and deemed not applicable. 



Tableau Implementation

The software Tableau will be implemented in order to increase the library's ability to create data visualizations. This will enhance our teaching ability within this area, as well as our internal assessment work. 

Innovation Ecosystem: Build a flexible, sustainable and progressive technological infrastructure to address the
existing and emerging needs of the Library and its users. 

Evaluation and Assessment  Librarian; Data Librarian; Associate Chief Librarian Completed Spring/Summer 2019. For information about use, please contact the Assessment Librarian.  
Brown Bag Lunch

The assessment committee will plan brown bag lunches at the rate of one per semester. The purpose is to share assessment results in an informal environment with all library staff. 

Innovation Ecosystem: Foster a culture of innovation among librarians and staff by supporting ongoing professional development and experiential learning.

Evaluation and Assessment Committee Deferred.  
Tableau Implementation: ERM

In order to assist in ongoing electronic resource assessment, the Assessment Librarian will work with the electronic resources team and the head of collections to implement an assessment system to enable the collection of usage statistics. 

Innovation Ecosystem: Build a flexible, sustainable and progressive technological infrastructure to address the
existing and emerging needs of the Library and its users.

Electronic Resources Librarian; Evaluation and Assessment Librarian; Head of Collections; Electronic Resources Technician; Serials Assistants Tableau work completed Spring 2019.  

In order to improve library services, a LibQual survey will be conducted to learn more about user needs. LibQual has been used for several years by TMU Library to evaluate our services. 

Student Engagement: Transform service models to enable the highest quality of service to our user communities.

Evaluation and Assessment Librarian & Data Librarian Conducted April 2019, analysis completed July 2019.  
ERM Analysis: A&I database analysis

In order to support collections and the electronic resource team, a review of A&I databases will be conducted. This work is analytical in nature and will enhance our collection offerings. 

SRC Excellence: Align processes and support structures to ensure the Library can provide excellent stewardship of research materials in a fiscally responsible, transparent fashion.

Evaluation and Assessment Librarian & Electronic Resources Team Completed March 2019.  

Liaison Model Assessment


Assessment is necessary to assist with the implementation of a new liaison model. This work will allow the library to better understand the effectiveness of newly implemented workflows. 

Innovation Ecosystem: Explore new organizational models and informal collaborations that better support collections building, research, and teaching in a dynamic, collaborative environment.

Liaison Model Implementation Team & Assessment Committee Deferred to 2020 due to implementation delays.  
Stack Shift Assessment


Following the stack shift of summer 2018, assessment will be undertaken to determine its effect on collection use. 

SRC Excellence: Align processes and support structures to ensure the Library can provide excellent stewardship of research materials in a fiscally responsible, transparent fashion.

Evaluation and Assessment Librarian & Head of Collections Deferred until a complete year of data has been collected.  
UX Assessment

The UX Librarian conducts ongoing studies of researcher experience. 

Student Engagement: Enhance the Library’s ability to support the information needs of diverse learners and facilitate the development of lifelong learning skills. 

User Experience Librarian Ongoing  
ERM Assessment

The Evaluation and Assessment Librarian provides ongoing support for collections analysis, including assessment of electronic resources. 

Increase SRC Excellence: Increase capacity to develop research-oriented collections in identified areas of TMU
cross-disciplinary themes, involving special, archival and print and electronic collections.

Evaluation and Assessment Librarian Ongoing  

Assessment Plan 2017-2018

Report Document Icon Presentation presentation icon

Assessment Project

Type, Purpose, and Rationale

Strategic Plan Mapping




Libguides Assessment This survey conducted through subject libguides will measure their use and effectiveness. This survey will inform libguide use and teaching methods. 

Student Engagement: Develop the Library’s web presence to facilitate teaching and learning by enhancing the discoverability of our collections and services.
Evaluation and Assessment Librarian Completed during October 2017, with results compiled and shared by end of fall 2017

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Poster Session on Noise Levels

This poster session will communicate the finding of prior assessment work related to noise and silence in the library. It will be useful for communicating the work of the assessment committee and for space planning. 

Student Engagement: Improve the Library’s facilities to create healthy, configurable, and flexible learning spaces that encourage collaboration, research, and independent study.

Assessment Committee Completed October 2017 presentation icon
Brown bag lunches

The assessment committee will plan brown bag lunches at the rate of one per semester. The purpose is to share assessment results in an informal environment with all library staff. 

Innovation Ecosystem: Foster a culture of innovation among librarians and staff by supporting ongoing professional development and experiential learning.

Assessment Committee Completed. First brown bag lunch delivered Fall 2017 presentation icon

UX Assessment: 
Student research strategies: An exploratory study using cognitive mapping and interviews

Mapping exercises and interviews will be used to explore the research strategies of undergraduate and graduate students. Grounded theory will be used in this exploratory study. 

Although outcomes cannot yet be determined based on the exploratory nature of this study, it will likely relate to the goal of enhancing Student Engagement.
User Experience Librarian & Assessment Librarian Completed in Winter/Spring 2018

Call for participants

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TRY+ 2018 Presentation

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UX Assessment: Website testing

These short interviews will ask students to navigate the library website. This will help improve user experience and web design. 

Student Engagement: Improve the Library’s facilities to create healthy, configurable, and flexible learning spaces that encourage collaboration, research, and independent study.

Assessment Committee; User Experience Librarian Completed


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RU Search Redesign

A survey of faculty, librarians, and SLS, and a UX study of students. Will help with the redesign  of RU Search, which will then be promoted.

Student Engagement: Develop the Library’s web presence to facilitate teaching and learning by enhancing the discoverability of our collections and services.

RU Search Redesign Committee Completed in Winter 2018  
Systems Assessment: Summon

Method to be determined: working with reference staff to assess our discovery tool. This study will inform systems administration and electronic resource management. 

Innovation Ecosystem: Build a flexible, sustainable and progressive technological infrastructure to address the existing and emerging needs of the Library and its users.

Electronic Resource Discovery and Access Librarian and Assessment Committee Completed Spring/Summer 2018  
Electronic Resources Assessment

Usage reporting will be used to assess electronic resource use and acquisition.

Innovation Ecosystem: Build a flexible, sustainable and progressive technological infrastructure to address the existing and emerging needs of the Library and its users.

Electronic Resources Librarian; Assessment Librarian; Electronic Resources Technician; Serials Assistants Ongoing work  
Participant Observation These observational studies will be conducted by trained student roamers. This will inform space planning and create a culture of assessment.

Student Engagement: Improve the Library’s facilities to create healthy, configurable, and flexible learning spaces that encourage collaboration, research, and independent study; and, Enhance the Library’s ability to support the information needs of diverse learners and facilitate the development of lifelong learning skills; and, Transform service models to enable the highest quality of service to our user communities

Innovation Ecosystem: Foster a culture of innovation among librarians and staff by supporting ongoing professional development and experiential learning.
Assessment Committee and Student Roamers Project reconsidered  
Learning Outcomes

This assessment tool is planned to track and evaluate the learning outcomes of the reference desk and DME. This will help evaluate student expectations of these services and allow the improvement of student experience.

Student Engagement: Develop a robust assessment framework that will allow the Library to improve spaces, services, and collections through ongoing user consultation and research.

Assessment Committee, with assistance from DME and Learning Services Completed Summer 2018  

Research Data Management Survey


The Research Data Management Surveys will be conducted and analyzed to understand TMU researcher's data management requirements and practices. This will help the library to plan potential service in the area. These surveys are being conducted by several universities across Canada making institutional comparison possible.

Increase SRC Excellence: Align processes and support structures to ensure the Library can provide excellent stewardship of research materials in a fiscally responsible, transparent fashion; Develop researcher-centred services that foster research collaborations and expose, publicize and preserve TMU’s SRC output.

Research Data Management Group Completed Fall 2017 presentation icon
Research Data Management Interviews


In person interviews will be conducted with faculty and graduate students who have indicated an interest in RDM through the RDM survey. The purpose of these interviews is to gain in depth input from researchers on their data management needs. 

Increase SRC Excellence: Align processes and support structures to ensure the Library can provide excellent stewardship of research materials in a fiscally responsible, transparent fashion; Develop researcher-centred services that foster research collaborations and expose, publicize and preserve TMU's SRC output.

Research Data Management Group Project reconsidered   

Image Credit

Doc Icon image by Dániel Aczél as a part of the Noun Project Universal circle pack Collection

Presentation image by Maxim Kulikov from the Noun Project.