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POH 105 Ounce of Prevention: Public Health Past

This course guide was designed to assist students in POH105 with conducting library research for their assignments


Searches through the majority of the Library's databases, e-book/book collection, newspapers and more. You can view a short video below demonstrating the various features: 

  1. Type in your keywords and click the Search button, or enter. Your keywords should reflect the main concepts of your research question.  There is an implicit AND between concepts; OMNI assumes you want results with all concepts included.  It also searches for related terms, e.g. synonyms. "Phrase searching" will look for results with the exact phrase included. 
  • For example, if I want to research the resistance to seatbelt laws as a relevant historical example to resistance to mandatory vaccinations during COVID-19, some keywords to use in my search strategy would be: seat belts vaccin* 

2. You can make note of the types of resources you've retrieved in your results - e.g. peer reviewed articles reporting on research studies, books, etc. Consider limiting by a particular type of resource, or by year of publication, etc. 

3. Review the journal article abstract by clicking on the title - the abstract is a summary of the full journal article.  This will give you a sense of whether the article is relevant, and if it will help you answer the question. Consider multiple points of view and perspectives on the topic. Click on available links to read the full text.   

4. You can save records by pinning them in your account, or email them to yourself.