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POH 105 Ounce of Prevention: Public Health Past

This course guide was designed to assist students in POH105 with conducting library research for their assignments

Read Critically

As You’re Reading, Ask Yourself:

  • If you’re working on an assignment, how would you use this article? Does it contain information that will be helpful in answering a research question?

  • How does this article fit into the scholarly conversation on this topic? A scholarly conversation is the discussion between experts about a developing topic. How does this article compare to other, similar articles in your assigned reading?

  • Do you agree with the author’s conclusions? While you are reading, it is important to be open to learning new concepts. New information can call into question old beliefs.

  • What are the weaknesses of this article? Be prepared to critique the article you are reading, keeping an eye out for flaws in reasoning or poor scholarship. 

  • What is the author’s purpose in writing? What is the argument? Who is the audience? 

  • Is this article what you were looking for? The resources you find while doing research should impact your search strategy. Whether or not this article is relevant to your assignment will help you decide what to search for next.


From Reading Strategically as a handout