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RShare Digital Repository

Populating Your Profile

1. Once you have activated your RShare account, click on your initials in the top right hand corner and select 'Profile'

2. Fill out your personal details, such as your name, job title, and location. For information on connecting and syncing your ORCID ID, click here. Add a profile picture to increase your engagement with potential users.

3. Select your Field of Interest from the drop-down menu provided. Please note that you may select as many fields of interest as are applicable to you.

4. You may also choose to add your social media details and a brief biographical statement to allow readers access to your work.

5. While we hope your public profile will feature many of your publications, you may also list unlinked publication titles in whichever order you prefer. Please note that when you add articles to your RShare account, this publication list will also update.

6. Finally, when you are satisfied with your changes, click Save changes. To view your public profile, you may click the button at the bottom right of the screen.