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RShare Digital Repository

Why use RShare?

RShare is a powerful, wide-ranging repository which provides impressive options for storing, deploying, and engaging with your scholarship. When you activate your RShare account, you benefit from the opportunities the platform provides, including:

Knowledge Mobilization

RShare is an ideal platform to satisfy Knowledge Mobilization requirements present in many contemporary funding narratives. Many funders, such as SSHRC/NSRC require Open Access or public domain storage of data and publications wherever possible, and RShare offers a platform for that storage. 

Increased Discoverability

With a fully cross-referenced platform with some of the industry's most prominent aggregators, RShare will increase the visibility and citability of your data to ensure strong exposure to your scholarship. With integrated analytics, you will see your engagement with readers and browsers, listed in real time.


RShare offers a single stop for readers to access your entire academic corpus, which not only includes journal articles, but digital monographs, datasets, video, creative work, and audio files. With a dedicated staff committed to ensuring your postings meet copyright standards, we can ensure that your scholarship is stored in a single location for easy access.


RShare's Projects functionality offers unparalleled access to collaborate with other RShare users through collaborative working space. These projects can be listed publicly or kept private (including private DOIs for work-in-progress), and are an ideal means of establishing a virtual collaboration lab for your entire team.