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Library E-Reserve Faculty Guide: Setting Up Your Course

Step-by-step instructions for how to set-up and add online readings for your course.

Getting Started

Before you can make any readings available through D2L, you will need to give the library access to your course. Whether you plan on choosing Self-Serve or Full Service, first follow these steps:

  1. Log in to my.torontomu. 

  2. Go to Courses and Organizations under the Self Service heading on the home page.This is the my.torontomu home page, with the Self Service section highlighted to indicate the link for Courses and Organizations.

  3. Find and click on the Request and Manage Shell A close-up of the Request and Manage Shell link on my.torontomu.

  4. Click 'Create a Course Shell' Screenshot of Request and Manage Course Shell

  5. After you have selected the term in which the course begins, and selected your course code, look under the heading Step 2: Brightspace shell details.
    Click on "I will be using e-Reserve course readings for this course shell." to give the library access to your course shell. You can then choose the option to reuse all of the readings from the most recent version of the course by clicking on "I used e-Reserve course readings in the previous version of this course and would like to re-user them." If you choose this option, e-Reserves staff will copy over the readings from the last course you taught with the same course code.
    Once that is done, click on Request a Course Sell at the bottom of the page to submit your request.

The end section of the Request a shell page

These steps will give the library access to your course, which will allow them to add readings to it. These readings can then be accessed on D2L in your course.

If you have already made your course shell and did not check a box, contact, or if you are teaching a Distance Education course, and ask to give the library access to your D2L course(s). 

It can take between two hours to more than a day for a course shell to appear under the Courses You Are Teaching section of the website, so please be patient before trying to create a shell multiple times.