Our Self Service option lets you enter the citation information and make reading available yourself through D2L. Library staff will review each reading to make sure it is safe to share. Each term, you need to re-order your course readings to make them available through D2L.
You can submit your reading materials through D2L. You can supply a web link or electronic copy, add an item from the library catalogue, or ask to have a physical item be scanned.
"Cloning" is an option that lets you re-use readings for a course you have taught before. If your current course is using the same readings, you can "clone" them to the current course without having resubmit anything.
This is the D2L home page, where you can select courses to which you have access. Click on the image for a course to go into that course.
After you have followed the instructions on the Setting Up Your Course section, you can add new readings to D2L with these steps:
You can “clone” your old courses to re-use your readings without having to enter all their information again. To re-use readings from your previous courses, follow Steps 1-3 from Submitting New Readings, and then perform these steps: