Q: What kind of materials can I make available through E-reserve?
A: Library E-Reserves can help you share links to articles, ebooks, and videos available in the library's catalogue. Library E-Reserves can help you share links to web pages and videos on the internet, as well as PDFs of articles. Remember, links to resources will only be shared if they pass our copyright review.
Q: What copyright concerns should instructors be aware of?
A: TMU's Fair Dealing Guideline allows for 10% of a work, or one chapter to be posted for student's use. Any course reading excerpt that exceeds this will require permission from the copyright holder each term the course is taught. Permissions may not always be able to be obtained for every reading.
Q: Why can't my students see my readings?
A: Students will not be able to see course readings before the course's start date, or after the course's end date. If a course has not yet started or has already ended, readings will not be available through D2L. If readings are not visible while a course is ongoing, please contact reserve@torontomu.ca.
Q: How long will it take for my readings to be processed?
A: Readings are processed on a first-come-first-served basis. It may take up to 6-8 weeks if permissions must be sought from a textbook publisher.
Q: Will my readings be processed over the winter holiday break?
A: No, readings will be processed only when the university is open. Library staff will not be present when Toronto Metropolitan University is closed on holidays.
Q: How much of my course's print textbook can be made available through E-reserve?
A: If there is an ebook version of the textbook available, the library will try to acquire it. If there is not an ebook available, Library E-Reserves can help you shareask for a single chapter to be made available through Fair Dealing. Under the TMU Fair Dealing Guideline we need permission from the textbook publisher to post more than 10% of a book. Textbook publishers usually do not grant permission for more than 10%-20% of a book to be reproduced in E-Reserves.
Q: What semester should I choose for my course?
A: Choosing "Current Semester" will configure your course for the semester that is currently running. If you are creating a course for an upcoming semester, or are unsure which semester is currently ongoing, consider selecting a specific semester from the drop-down list. (Add start dates for Spring/Summer, Fall and Winter courses)
Q: I want to use information from a book, but the library does not own it. Do I need to drop off a copy of the book to be scanned?
A: No, the only time items need to be dropped off for scanning is if the library staff specifically ask that you to.
Q: What information do I need to include with materials I would like scanned?
A: When you drop off an item at the Circulation Desk, please include a note that contains your name, the course code for the course the item is for, and page range of the needed information. Library staff will notify you once the items are scanned and made available electronically.
Q: Can I post readings and videos from outside of the library catalogue?
A: Yes, you can provide links to other digital resources, including web pages and videos posted on the internet. However, library staff will still check to make sure that the links are acceptable to use. In particular, links to videos not posted by the copyright owners will not be made available.
reserve@torontomu.ca is the best way to reach library staff for answers about E-reserves.