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What Can Be Input Automatically?

Funding and Works 

These two sections will be the bulk of your ORCID profile. Funding can be filled in using the wizard (located in add funding and then in the drop down menu the search and link option), manually, or both, and Works can be filled in using one of the wizards (e.g. Crossref, located in add works, and then in the drop down menu the search and link option), by uploading a BibTeX document, manually, or a combination of all three.


Inputting funding this way works best when you have already given some details about yourself so that the wizards know what to look for. For example, keywords, education and work experience all make the wizard more precise.


When linking funding, you are granting permission for that organization to access your ORCID record in some way, and they become a Trusted Organization. Visit the ORCID website to learn more about the types of permissions and what they mean.

If you want a step-by-step tutorial, ORCID provides a 2 minute video about how to use the Search and Link wizards.


An example of the trusted organization screen. At the bottom there are two buttons, one which says "Authorize", the other which says "Deny"

Where Can I Link From?

Some of the places you can link from include:

  • Crossref: Import your publications from CrossRef’s authoritative, publisher-supplied metadata on over 70 million scholarly journal and conference proceeding articles and books and book chapters.
  • Web of Science: Create profile at ORCID, then use the wizard at ResearcherID (under "Researcher Profile > Exchange Data With ORCID").
  • Scopus: Create a profile at ORCID, then go use this link to reconcile your various Scopus publications
  • Google Scholar: Export as BibTEX, import in ORCID profile. North Dakota State University offers a thorough guide on how to export works from Google scholar.  For instructions regarding importing, visit the ORCID knowledgebase.
  • EndNote: Export as txt-file with BibteX style.
  • Mendeley: Go to your personal Mendeley profile page and click "Create or Connect your ORCID iD".

Revoking Trusted Organization Permissions

You can revoke permissions at any time. Go to the Trusted Organiations section of your account settings page and click delete (the trash can icon) near the name of the organization whose access you want to revoke. Revoking this permission means the organization will only be able to read information on your record which you have set as visible to everyone, as well as information that they themselves have added. They will not be able to edit or delete any information that they have added.