While it takes 30 seconds to sign up for an ORCID iD, in order for an ORCID iD to fully do its job of disambiguating you from other authors, you will need to add enough information that makes you stand out from the crowd, such as your full name or alternate names you publish under, education and employment history, or publications. Visit the ORCID knowledgebase for a variety of articles which provide step by step instructions on how to add information to your ORCID profile. Alternatively, you can see this article if you would like an overview of the management of ORCID records.
While there is a lot of information on your ORCID profile that can be automatically updated, we recommend that you check your ORCID regularly to ensure that your record accurately reflects your most recent work.
ORCID registrants can also update their notification settings to receive a notification in their ORCID inbox and via email whenever their ORCID record is updated by another system, when an administrative action such as being made a trusted individual occurs, or when a member organization requests permission to update their ORCID record (e.g. Crossref as a part of the auto-update process).